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Integral Transpersonal Skills: A New Corporate Paradigm

If you would like to take this course as part of the ITI Certificates towards a Ubiquity degree, please take the course through the ITI platform.

Course Description:

The combined health and economic shocks of 2020 have put economies into freefall, disrupted labor markets, and fully revealed the inadequacies of social contracts. Millions of individuals globally have lost their livelihoods and millions more are at risk from the global recession, structural change to the economy, and further automation. Additionally, the pandemic and the subsequent recession have impacted most of those communities which were already at a disadvantage. We find ourselves at a defining moment: the choices we have and the decisions we make today will determine the course of entire generations’ lives and livelihoods.

We have the tools at our disposal. The bounty of technological innovation which defines our current era can be leveraged to unleash human potential. Moreover, this scenario generated the need/opportunity for a leap in the general level of awareness. Educational systems, as well as Corporates and Organizations, need training programs that encourage developing a creative and critical mind, to reskill and upskill individuals. A survey made in 2012 showed that in 100 of the largest companies in the USA, 60% of CEOs had degrees in the humanities. It seems they are more ready to embrace and co-create a new world. As Socrates said: “the unexamined life is not worth living”.

This course deals with Soft Skills required for acting in the 21st Century post-Covid scenario as a Prime Mover, especially in the corporate environment. It is urgent to enact a Global Reset towards a socio-economic system that is more fair, sustainable, and equitable, one where social mobility is reinvigorated, social cohesion restored, and economic prosperity is compatible with a healthy planet.

Most of us, in the western societies and the organizational contexts in which we work, still operate following a 20th Century paradigm. We have been taught that learning all we can about a specific profession is the key to achieve success on the socio-economic scale. However, that isn’t necessarily true.

There is a difference between Hard skills and Soft skills. The first includes technical mastery and professional qualifications: they are easily defined and obviously measurable. The second, Soft skills, include the practices that were once in the backgrounds of our lives (and in the life of ancestral communities): talking to each other, looking into each other’s eyes, exercising empathy, putting one’s emotional intelligence into play before acting cognitively, smiling at the cashier and offering your seat in the bus to an old person instead of bending over your mobile phone. This means to team up with your colleagues starting from accepting the differences of everyone to gain value (inclusive management), to exchange inspiring feedbacks to make the eyes shine, speaking politely, and facing the boredom of our children during a long journey in the car talking with them, lighting up their curiosity toward the world. All of these dimensions are intangible and difficult to measure, but they have a strong impact on our well-being, and our ability to create what society (and human civilization of Anthropocene) needs today.

SPECIAL NOTE: There are videos included in this course and it is constructed in a way that an independent learner can navigate it and understand the teachings within. However, if you are in need of faculty-led sessions, we will record those and insert them the next time this course is scheduled to run in Live Virtual Classroom.

Introduction Video:

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Recognize, describe and manage the Soft Skills of 21st century (such as basic human emotions, emotional intelligence, empathy, and cultural competencies), building a more solid comprehension of yourself and therefore a deeper level of control and consciousness.
  • Put into use the Soft Skills of the 21st century in your daily life (both at work and in a private context): i.e., coping with stressful situations, applying practices based on Mindfulness, Second Attention Epistemology, and the Integral Transpersonal Approach.
  • Play an active role in carrying a new vision and tools based on Integral Transpersonal Soft Skills into work contexts, with a big impact on teamwork abilities and communication styles, i.e., asking and giving inspirational feedback, participating in multicultural teams, offering inspirational and participative leadership models.
  • Have a frame of reference around hypercomplex, high speed western societies and companies, and making conscious decisions on your career, professional lifestyle, in harmony with the macrocosm, with impacts on your wellbeing and sense of fulfillment.


Sara Gambelli PsyD, Organizational Psychologist, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, and Corporate Unit Coordinator and Teacher at the Integral Transpersonal Institute in Milan, Yoga Instructor, Organization Trainer and Consultant in Corporates. For the past 15 years, she has been working as a Consultant in HR for multinational companies on Training projects for the development of managerial skills and potential assessment in Italy and abroad. She worked for 6 years on an international project on Potential Development in the Oil & Gas sector, traveling to all continents and assessing more than 2000 employees. When she found Biotransenergetics in 2013 she decided to introduce the Transpersonal vision into the “Corporate World” as a way to bring a new Consciousness. She participated in the creation of a Training Company in Italy to foster Experiential Training for Corporates by applying permaculture, eco-sustainable models, contact with nature, yoga, and Biotransenergetics. In the last years, she has developed many formats for employees in multinational companies based on Biotransenergetics methods, Team Building and Team Empowerment for middle and top managers, in addition to programs for Women in Leadership, stress reduction and integral wellbeing, integral consciousness at work and mindfulness. Sara has lived and worked in Brazil developing a passion for shamanism and Meso-American cultures. She has deepened her studies of Umbanda, the Afro – Brazilian archetypes, Nagualism, as well as Maya-Toltec traditions in Mexico and Oriental cultures in India. She leads BTE groups, sacred ceremonies in Europe and Brazil working with the Orixás, Sacred Music medicine, and chanting ceremonies based on Shamanic traditions, along with managing one-to-one therapy.

Course Modalities:

Non-Credit Options

Lite Level – This course is delivered on-demand with no faculty interaction and is perfect for lifelong learners who want to go at their own pace and who are not interested in academic credit but still want to experience the course.

Audit-No Credit – If you would like to participate when this course is offered in our Live Virtual Classroom mode, you may attend the live faculty webinars but will not be required to submit assignments for credit.

If you take a few courses and decide you want to officially enroll in a degree program, you can gain academic credit for Lite versions or Audit-No Credit versions by paying the difference between these course fees and a normal academic fee, successfully completing quizzes, submitting your reflection journals and delivering a Final Creative Assignment that will be graded.

For-Credit Options

Live Virtual Classroom: Study that takes place within Ubiquity University, in which Ubiquity academic coursework is accomplished through attendance in Live Webinars, with faculty and student interaction being a part of the Live Webinar content. To receive academic credit, you must not miss more than 3 live sessions, you must complete the quizzes and submit any other required assignments (if any), and a final creative assignment for grading at the degree level you are enrolled in.

Internal Online Independent Study: Study that takes place within Ubiquity University, in which Ubiquity academic online coursework is engaged in independently on one’s own and does not include faculty interaction. To receive academic credit, you must complete the quizzes and submit your reflection journals and final creative assignment for grading at the degree level you are enrolled in.

The rules guiding our assignment collection and grading process can be found here: Ubiquity University Grading Policy

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Information about how we process refund or cancellation requests can be found here: Refund and Cancellation Policy

We allow students at all academic levels to participate in our online courses. However, those students who are enrolled in MA or PhD programs are expected to offer a more sophisticated analysis on reflection tasks, writing assignments, and in the final creative assignment. You will be graded commensurate with your degree level. Except for the Final Creative Assignment, word counts are offered as guidelines. If you need to exceed the word counts to submit an MA or PhD level response, you may feel free to do so as long as the word count expansion is reasonable and necessary.

Course Contact Information:

Live Virtual Classroom macrocourses are delivered by faculty in live Zoom sessions. You will have a course facilitator who is available to answer questions and offer additional assistance and that information will be provided to you upon registration. Please do not email faculty directly with any technology or registration issues.

For on-demand lite or Internal Online Independent Study versions, click the “Chat” button down on the left-hand side of the screen for any technical issues or questions you may have about the content.

Course Content

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