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Modern-day Magic: Hack the World – Part 2

Dates: Wednesdays October 4, 11, 18, 25; 16.00-19.00 CET
Location: On Zoom; All sessions will be recorded (except breakout groups)
Zoom Information: Once you have registered for this program, please ensure you are signed in to your account and return to this page to access the “Get Your Zoom Link” lesson at the very bottom of the page. The Zoom link will be added 2 weeks before the sessions.. You will then also get an email once the Zoom has been created, You must register separately on Zoom to get your participation codes and reminder emails.
Faculty: Dr. Peter Merry, Dr. Wolfhardt Janu
Academic Credit: Masters – 1 credits; Doctoral – 1 credits
Enrollment: This course is available both to enrolled students and lifelong learners
Email our Registrar Veronica Saldias for more information

This course is part of the Modern-day Magic Program.

Hack the World introduces you to the basics of applying the scientific method and the Integral map to your own magic experiments. It includes both theory and practice. In the theoretical part, you will be introduced to Ken Wilber’s Integral map as a way to look at and interpret both magick and mystical experiences. The Integral focus will also introduce you to the important aspects of our psychological shadows, how they have been explained historically, and how we might look at them with modern eyes.

You will get a solid explanation of the do’s and don’ts of scientific exploration, referencing examples from the history of science and magick. These theories will also enable you to understand and calculate the basic statistics you need to be able to evaluate your own practical results in various experiments.

In the practice part, you can choose from a number of classical and more recent “paranormal” experiments. You will be guided in practicing them on your own, or together with your fellow participants. Although the magick experiments aim to influence information in a non-local (“paranormal”) way, we will be following a thorough scientific protocol as we conduct them.

By the end of the full Modern-day Magic: Hack the World program (3 Micro Courses) you will be able to:

  • Develop a well-informed pathway for your own magical development
  • Work with a community of fellow magic practitioners to deepen your understanding and practice
  • Draw from a collection of magic experiments and experiences to suit your purpose
  • Set up, run and evaluate a magic experiment using scientific protocols and statistics
  • Explain and assess magic experiences through an Integral lens
  • Select appropriate technology for a magic experiment, including Random Event/Number Generators
  • Describe the history, current practice and future potential of magic

By the end of this Micro-course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how to evaluate your magic experiences in terms of psychology, spirits, energy, and information theory
  • Set up a magic experiment using a basic scientific protocol
  • Work with a basic statistical analysis of your magic experiment

The components of Hack the World Part 2 include:

  • Work with a magic experiment of your choice
  • Understanding magic through the lenses of psychology, spirits, energy, and information theory
  • Scientific protocols for experiments
  • Basic statistics for evaluating your experiments
  • Preparing for a full scientific experiment and establishing a baseline
  • Homework exercises and journal


Dr. Peter Merry is core faculty for the Hack the World courses. Peter is co-founding Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity, co-founder of Wyrd Experience and Wyrder Tech, and initiator of the Broughton Science and Consciousness conferences. He has worked in and across different sectors. As well as co-founding and leading the organisations above, his experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, government ministries, and in multistakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. Peter has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral. His first book was published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership, 2005) and his second in 2019 (Why Work? on designing work for people and planet. His third book on 12 principles for working with the energy of land and organisations (Leading from the Field) came out at the end of November 2020. He has an MSc in Human Ecology from Edinburgh University and a PhD from Ubiquity’s Wisdom School on volution theory (see His personal website is


Dr. Wolfhardt Janu is core faculty for the Hack your World courses. ​​He holds a PhD in chemistry and worked for 10 years in academic research. He then moved to be a freelancer in software and hardware development for customized laboratory solutions.

At the same time he set up his own private laboratory to investigate the relationship between matter and consciousness, his main scientific interest for 25 years. Together with his colleagues and friends he developed a new method to scan the output of two random number event generators (REG’s) for correlations, which enables one to detect with high precision changes in a non-local field, mainly known as the field of consciousness.

On his journey, he has been practicing Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for 19 years, discovered African Shamanism (Sangoma) and (co-)led several private scientific teams investigating the “paranormal” in theory and practice. In 2007 he got to know the work of Ken Wilber and since then he and his team(s) have been using the Integral map as the main tool to navigate and communicate on the margins of the so-called “unknown”.

Wolfhardt Janu is married, has two children and lives in Austria.

Requirements for Degree Students:

  • End of course essay on describing the impact on your life of studying this material
    • For BA students – 6-9 pages in length
    • For MA students – 10-15 pages in length
    • For PhD students – 20-25 pages in length


The rules guiding our assignment collection and grading process can be found here: Ubiquity University Grading Policy

Information about how we process refund or cancellation requests can be found here: Refund and Cancellation Policy

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