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Organization by Natural Design

Microcourse Description:

Many people exposed to Re-inventing or Teal Organizations, Integral Theory, and/or Spiral Dynamics love the concepts but struggle to work out how to apply the theory in practice. Peter Merry has been applying them to organizations for nearly 20 years. In this short course, he shares his understanding of the theories as well as his framings for and experiences of organizational design and development. His experience covers corporations, government, and NGOs.

Much of this content is excerpted from our other course Transformational Leadership, Strategy and Governance. If you have already taken that course, you do not need to take this one unless you want a refresher on this specific topic. If you like this short course, you may want to register for the full version to get a deeper grounding in these and other related concepts.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the microcourse, you should be able to:

  • explain how Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics can be applied to organizations
  • use the theories to inform your conversations with colleagues and clients in organizations
  • analyze the current situation and dynamics in an organization from an integral evolutionary perspective
  • explain how change works in organizational cultures and systems
  • design interventions in organizations informed by an integral evolutionary approach

The course includes:

  • 10 videos
  • downloadable pdfs of the slides used
  • 4 live interactive webinars with Peter Merry (Live participants)
  • links to extra resources
  • quiz for you to check how much you have understood and what you need to take another look at
  • group discussions and short assignments with interaction and feedback for those in the immersive version
  • access to a private online group only for participants in this course (for Live participants includes interaction with Peter Merry)
  • about 3 hours of work per week


Peter Merry, PhD is the Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, Founder of the Centre of Human Emergence Netherlands, and a Founding Partner of Engage!. His experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational organizations, in government ministries and in mutli-stakeholder initiatives with global stakeholders. He has also spent many years in the not-for-profit sector. He is a recognized expert in the field of energetics and evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. His books include “Evolutionary Leadership”, Why Work? and Leading from the Field (forthcoming). He has a PhD with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School in Volution Theory.

Student Testimonial

If you are interested in developing yourself in a highly interactive, well-resourced program about how people can work together more satisfactorily with like-minded inquisitive, open people then this course led by Peter Merry is for you. (Course Participant – Andy)

  • Audit-No Credit – Lite Materials Only: $35
  • Audit-No Credit – Live Version (Future live dates TBA): $50

Our shopping cart is simple and easy to understand. If you do not have a user account, you will be able to create one upon purchase. Save your username and password. If you experience any issues, please email Veronica Saldias at If you do not wish to participate in the live calls and simply want access to the course materials, you can register at our “lite” price of $35 at any time.

Microcourse Contact Information:

Microcourses are completely on-demand for your convenience. If you have questions or require additional assistance, you may click the “Chat” button on the lower, left-hand side of the screen, and submit your question. Our help desk will respond as soon as possible.

Single microcourses do not qualify for academic credit. However, enrolled students can add three microcourses together, purchase a Microcourse Credit Conversion option, pay the difference between the cost of the microcourses and a regular trimester course at their degree level and submit your reflection journals and a Final Creative Assignment for grading. Please contact our registrar for more information – registrar @ (sorry, direct link not provided due to spam bots)

Course Content

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