


普众大学与共振之路研究院 Resonance Path Institute 联合创办的首家国际认证、全中文教学, 致力于身心与精神健康教育和再生态文明创建的高等学位。





“共振生命” 硕士学位聚焦于带领学习者全方位打开身体的感知能力,让生命的能量蓬勃流动,从而为培养多维度多视角的成熟理性思维打下充分的基础。博士学位聚焦于训练学习者运用卦象与中华民族的古老智慧对接,用之主导个人的命运,消化和转化个体以及集体过往的业力,让生命更精彩地绽放。















“通过共振密码培训,我真正体会到了什么叫全然地接纳 自我,并相信生活里遇到的不确定的未知。”


Spring Cheng 程春 –“春涛”

Joe Shirley 乔.薛利

The Ubiquity Graduate Degree

The Ubiquity Graduate Program combines the US and European designs of graduate programs with a blend of taught learning with research and writing. The thesis or dissertation must demonstrate excellence at every level. It must show awareness of the history of the literature in your particular area; demonstrate careful analysis and understanding of the field in question; and, most importantly, show how your insight can be applied to the real world. The dissertation must be scholarly and utilize extensive bibliographical data and footnotes. It should, in other words, be an impeccable work of research.

The Creative Journey to Dissertation -
Finding Your Voice, Making your Mark

The “Creative Journey to Dissertation” is a 1-week intensive designed by our Dean of Graduate Studies Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo. The course is a critical part of the dissertation writing process and is a requirement for all MA/PhD candidates.

Support during your Graduate Program

During your graduate dissertation writing you will be supported by a Major Advisor of your own choosing, as well as optional writing courses and writing mentorship.

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Joe Shirley 乔.薛利

乔.薛利是一名内在探索的科学工作者。在过去的三十年里,他通过在自身的 实验和实践创造了一个互动式的正念修行方法:梵心图。梵心图帮助人们通 过以情感为入口自我觉察,到达潜意识的底层,与精神的源头“梵心”连接。
乔开创一个新的自我觉察的科学理论体系和方法论:心灵拓扑学,研究心灵能量如何以拓扑结构存在于三维空间,心灵拓扑学对西方传统心理学以及对 意识本质的研究是一个重要的补充。乔是安提奥大学的整合系统设计硕士,共振密码一书的作者之一,以及共振之路研究院的共创人。

Spring Cheng 程春 –“春涛”

程春博士是一名身心成长以及心灵精神健康的导师。她将艺术性的自我表达 、道家中医的疗愈理念和科学理性思辨整合,创建了共振密码体系。她致力 于赋能人们回到身心合一的内在,为创建一个和谐、美好、与自然同频共振 的再生态文明而努力。程春获爱荷华大学分子生物学博士,曾在美国华盛顿 州认执照针灸师,并在西雅图道教学院修习道家文化。她出生于中国上海,就读北京大学生物系。她通过吟唱古诗词、舞动和音乐从内在的精神家园汲 取营养。

Xiaoyu Liu

Coach and therapist
Founder of Mindful Living, integrating mindful practice rooted in Zen, yoga and Chinese medicine healing arts

Hua Jing

Co-manager of Resonance Path China and Lead Teaching Assistant
Resonant Facilitation and Feelingwork facilitator
Senior practitioner and Instructor for Educational Kinesiology

Jing Lu

Co-manager of Resonance Path China and Lead Teaching Assistant
Therapist and early childhood educator
Resonant Facilitation and Feelingwork facilitator
Senior practitioner and instructor for Educational Kinesiology

Joe Shirley

Joe Shirley asks big questions about the nature of being and seeks answers to those questions through his life-long practice and experimentation of focused awareness. Over the past thirty years, he has developed Feelingwork, a radical new approach that connects with one’s innate source of vitality and wholeness, while navigating through the most difficult and traumatic terrain of individual and collective consciousness, restoring our natural access to thriving. Currently, Joe focuses on developing and teaching psychotopology, a new, first-person scienceof subjective experience, providing a much-needed update to modern approaches to mental health and well-being, as well as catalyze new research of consciousness and the nature of humanity.

Spring Cheng

Dr. Spring Cheng is a mentor and guide for inner transformation. Her work integrates Tao with artistic expression, scientific inquiry and psychospiritual healing. She is passionate about empowering people to birth a culture that celebrates inter-connectedness, harmony, and beauty. She is also a faculty at the Regenerative Health MA/PhD program, leading the Holistic Mental Health and Expressive Arts track. Spring spent the first half of her life in traditional, pre-industrialized China and the latter half in the US. She received a doctoral degree in molecular biology and masters in acupuncture. She connects with the indigenous Spirit of China through ancient poetry, singing and qigong dance.