Kosmos Journal
Course Collection
Go Deep to Go Far
We are delighted to offer the following Kosmos-aligned courses in association with our friends at Ubiquity University. A portion of the course fee will directly support the work of Kosmos, so be sure to enroll by clicking from this page. Alternatively, we are offering a 10% course rebate if you have a Kosmos Enhanced Membership. Simply forward your registration confirmation to info@kosmosjoural.org along with your Venmo or PayPal username. This applies to any course or subscription you select, whether for certification or not. Also, please note that will need to create a profile on the Ubiquity website to avail yourself of this offer. We believe these offerings will support our collective transformation. Thank you!
If you are interested in this content, here are you purchase options:
A monthly subscription at $24,99 per month for unlimited access to all the courses
Lifelong access to all the courses for a one-off payment of $399 (80% discount on individual purchases)
Or you can purchase any of the courses individually at their normal price