Go Deep to Go Far
The Wisdom Graduate School
Wisdom School is dedicated to the enlargement of the soul and the
expansion of learning within the lager framework of a conscious
Universe where human beings co-create a world in which all life is
embraced as a part of a living whole
Upcoming Programs
Wisdom School Degrees
Ubiquity University
A Master’s degree focused on how ancient and modern-day wisdom is relevant for the challenges that humanity is facing today.
Ubiquity University
A doctoral degree with a focus on the applied research in areas of healing, therapy, spiritual growth, counseling etc.
Ubiquity University
Our doctoral program is dedicated to helping you find your unique well-researched contribution to the world inspired by the wisdom traditions and modern-day insight
Ubiquity University
A program that enables you to get a Master’s and PhD with one dissertation, on wisdom for the modern world.
Examples of Dissertations from our students
Holofractographic Integral Spiritual Practice by Dr Carol Boye
The Lived Experience of Exploring Archetypal Life Patterning by Dr Janet Garfield
Mother Earth: A Global Myth for a Planet in Crisis by Jennifer Sundeen DMin
This dissertation rests on two presuppositions: That myth is an inherent aspect of human society, and that we are a global society without an adequate universal mythology.
Chartres Community Call
10 am PST, every second Sunday
The Wisdom School Approach
The Wisdom School has a deep dedication to in-person and online holistic learning that emphasizes the heart as much as the head, artistic expression as much as intellectual rigor, the body as much as the soul. Our courses seek to bring balance through diversity, harmony through dialogue, community through caring.
We trace our lineage back to Plato’s Academy, founded in 387 BC. It was Plato, who, with his student Aristotle, further developed the seven liberal arts initially conceived by Pythagoras, which became the basis of education in western civilization and increasingly today, world education. The liberal arts form the foundation for all Wisdom School and Ubiquity courses. Each year we gather at Ubiquity’s Chartres Academy in Chartres, France to explore one of the liberal arts in a seven day in person learning journey.
Deeper than Plato, we trace our lineage back to the mystery schools of antiquity and even further back to the shamanic traditions of indigenous peoples and the spirituality of the Great Mother. It is in this spirit that we embrace all traditions, East and West, North and South, ancient and modern, and all within the context of a living, breathing universe in which all life has its natural and sacred place.